Public adjusting services

Please take a couple of minutes and click on the short video that provides an overview of how my Public Adjusting Services can assist a policyholder by taking the management of their claim away from them, and working towards the best possible outcome based on the policy in-force at the time of the loss. Thank you for your time.

public adjusting services


public adjusting services -

The following topics provide a general overview of my Public Adjusting Services as they relate to claim processing.


What is a Public Adjuster?

A Public Adjuster is a professional claims handler / claims adjuster who advocates for the policyholder in appraising and negotiating a claimant’s insurance claim. Aside from attorney and the broker of record, state licensed Public Adjusters can legally represent the rights of an insured during an insurance claim process.

Here’s some other information pertaining to a Public Adjuster being utilized in the claim process-

  • Higher Payout- It’s proven statistically that those who use a Public Adjuster for their claim most often receive a higher payout verses handling the claim on their own. Insurance adjusters that work on behalf of the companies are trying to minimize the payout for the claim.

  • Less Stress- A Public Adjuster will handle the entire claim from start to finish. Knowing how to deal with a claim when someone is unfamiliar with the process can be very stressful.

  • Avoiding Mistakes- Mistakes in submitting a claim can cause you problems. We are here to help avoid unnecessary problems and difficulties regarding your claim.

  • Options- Denied claims can be re-opened. A PA can look at the denial letter to see the reasons, and look for possible solutions.

  • Quicker Payout- Having an advocate work on your behalf keeps the claim moving towards closure quicker. PA’s keep on top of the claim to help avoid unnecessary delays.


It’s important to choose a Public Adjuster who has the knowledge and experience that will ultimately help guide you through the claims process resulting in the best possible outcome based on the policy in-force at the time of the loss.

I have spent over 25 years in the Property & Casualty Insurance Profession, starting an Independent Insurance Agency in 2000 and representing multiple carriers while developing a client base throughout Florida. In 2023 we merged our retail agency with a national agency and although I am still part of the organization today, I now have increased my efforts with my Public Adjusting company, Advantage Claims Services.

My focus has always been to build and operate a relationship based business, and my background also includes starting and operating a manufacturing company for 20 years previous before selling it and transitioning into the insurance profession.

My overall business knowledge and experience is a valuable asset I bring to my Public Adjusting business.


My services begin at the time I engage with an agreement with the policyholder, and do not end until the repairs have been completed and the claim is closed out. Now, what does that mean exactly?

  • Letter of Representation-Engagement with the carrier once the policy holder has initiated the claim.

  • Insurance Policy Review- The policy in-force at the time of the loss is reviewed and I discuss the overall Coverage’s and Deductibles that will be applied.

  • Desk Adjuster- I engage with the Desk Adjuster assigned to the claim for processing.

  • Field Adjuster- If a field Adjuster is assigned, I will contact that person to coordinate an in-person meeting onsite if necessary.

  • Sworn Proof Of Loss- I assist the policyholder and will file that on their behalf with the carrier as required by law.

  • Contractors- I engage if necessary with any and all contractors the policyholder decides to use for the repairs. Although I have built some nice relationships with contractors over the years, the ultimate decision to hire a contractor is up to the policyholder. I DO NOT guarantee any work or the related timeframe to complete the repairs; however, I will assist by communicating with the carrier, as claims tend to have further development throughout the process,


It is extremely important the policyholder understands fees related to Public Adjusting Services.

A fee paid to a Public Adjuster is normally a percentage of the loss ‘paid by the carrier.’ The fee can vary based on the size and type of the claim; however, when a state of EMERGENCY has been declared by the Governor which is normal for large catastrophic weather related events, the maximum fee is 10% of the paid loss by the respective carrier.

It is also extremely important for the policyholder to understand that Public Adjusting fees are NOT paid for by the carrier in addition to the negotiated settlement of the claim. All fees are paid out of the payments to the policyholder, and the policyholder pays those directly to the PA when the funds are disbursed, and NOT until then.

There are normally multiple payments throughout the claim process, and each time a payment is made to the insured, the PA will be included on the check as a payee, and the percentage in the PA Agreement will be applied and that amount is due the PA at that time.

There is standard language related to fees within the PA Agreement that can be discussed further for clarification.